Sun Shades the Glare of Eris and Uranus ~ 20 Nov 2016

It’s a busy week ahead for those in the U.S. and globally holiday sales gear up into an insane frenzy. No exception here. My Holiday Sale ends in one week. Please take advantage.

What a year, so far! We’ve seen the impact of Eris and Uranus aligning in huge ways and portending significant long term impact. We’ve been dealing with a parade of conjunctions between rebellious and cranky Uranus and the testy, volatile, “looking in from the outside and not happy about it” Eris. It has certainly been the year of outsiders pushing to be heard - socially and politically. It has been a year where the disenfranchised have sought to acquire a potent voice and activist for their cause. This trend continues into next year and by now should have anchored Eris’ spot in full astrological very potent planet consideration.

There’s one more float in the Uranus-Eris parade to view. Next year Eris and Uranus enjoy their final conjunction on March 16th from the Earth’s point of view.

In the near future the glaring Uranus-Eris conjunction will be seen in a new light - an alternative point of view. For any individual wondering how/where they fit in the world, the cosmic plan or how they can make their mark and how the world will soon impact and/or include their soulful efforts, this transit is for you. The point of view is not Alt-Right or Alt-Left. It is the point of view of solar-center.

On December 4th, from the Sun’s perspective, the Uranus-Eris conjunction occurs. There’s only one in this true solar system view. Stand by to apply the best the alignment offers.

Any transit viewed from the Sun’s vantage is a retreat into the larger picture, and presumably a more objective perspective that sheds the concerns of the mundane limits and requirements of life on a dense, physical planet. So, through the next few weeks, it is an ideal time to step back, assess, review and make some impeccably clear decisions about what ones spirit wants to do, and how might that desire be positively applied without boisterous, bodacious bragging or disruptive, destructive deeds.

The Sun stands virtually centered in Sagittarius aligned with the Great Attractor at this time. This is very hopeful. The Great Attractor includes all known frequencies of light and energy. Nothing excluded or ignored. The Great Attractor permits a look around objects such that total transparency can be demanded.

The conjunction of Uranus and Eris is in Aries. Ultimately, for everyone, it all comes back to you. How does it affect you and what are you going to do to ensure your most innovative and progressive ideas are included by the collective? How are you going to find a fit that permits total application of all the tools you received by birth or cultivated thus far during this incarnation?

To the point of self expression, how can you declare your connections to the Sun in Sag and line ups with Great Attractor truths in a manner that does not appear dictatorial, or as if you have some sort of conversion therapy in mind?

Let’s go to the players in the conjunction and ask for suggestions.

The Great Attractor asks that all thoughts, ideas and persons be included, none ignored, and if you can come up with more new stuff for your spirit to consider, good on you.

Uranus’ North Node lies in Gemini; his perihelion finds its fit in Virgo. These elements stand in virtual square, inspiring a hard, clear look at all that is implied:

Are you considering all facts and data points in the establishment of a dogma, doctrine or delivery system for your innovations?

Have the facts been referenced from multiple sources? Are they true? Fully vetted?

Are you thinking critically? This does not imply judgment. This suggests assessing facts for clarity, context and perspective. Example: Classically Saturn was the outmost planet and as such received the assignment of the qualities of boundaries and limits. When Uranus was discovered, why did those qualities not apply to him until we located Neptune? After all, at that time, he assumed the outmost characteristics. What’s up with that?

Does the plot of the dots connected make sense? Does it underscore a belief system that serves all your greatest aspirations? At this point, check for contradictions, inconsistencies, unsolved paradox conundrums.

How do you perceive right vs. wrong? Dark vs. light? Up vs. down? Southern Hemisphere vs. Northing Hemisphere? Is there a place for both to coexist? Is duality/polarity part of Cosmic Order? If not, how’s that work?

Is your revolution constructive, perfectly plotted and equipped with the tools for full integration?

Eris’ Node is Taurus; her perihelion in Libra. Her elements impact each other through a very tight quincunx. As quincunxes note, adjustments are required. Perspective shifts and new insight integrated, in theory, perfect the path ahead.

Assess what you value socially, economically and in terms of including any and all of your attributes and God-given gifts. Decide where you want to fit in. Determine how you can best be included. Make a plan for working your way in.

Review your social perspectives. Where do you see yourself? Where do you need to be? Do social campaigns, contacts and causes require reconsideration? Perhaps it’s time to cut distractions and time-consuming activities that do not serve your objectives. Perhaps now, you are directed to take on that cause, task or aspiration you’ve been delaying, ignoring, avoiding.

Yes, there is a revolution in progress. It is internal and it is the summation of your spirit and consciousness seeking to find the greatest and most far-reaching applications possible. With the Sun at your back, perception intact and progressive vision as your lodestone, affirm, confirm and declare your perfect fit. What a gift to give yourself just in time for the holiday season.